Monthly Archives: April 2022

Exploring Benefits of Baby Massages

Because physical contact is their primary point for nurturing, our littlest family members need touch to thrive. What better way to provide that than with massages. The benefits are vast for both the baby and the parent. Before we look at a few of them, let’s explore the products to use. Tender Moments First, you will want to start with high-quality products that are pediatrician and dermatologist recommended. JAFRA’s Tender…

Getting My Anxiety Under Control

Anxiety. Stress. Worry. Concern. These definitely became buzz words the last two years. The world has gone through so much at an accelerated rate. Though we are getting back to normalcy, lingering thoughts still swarm around in our mind. Gas and grocery prices have skyrocketed. War stories are a part of conversations. Add these on top of our everyday stressors, and it can feel overwhelming. But there is help. Disclaimer Before going further, know that…