Monthly Archives: June 2020

How to Put Sun Safety Habits into Practice

Sombering facts: One in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. One person dies of melanoma every hour, nearly 2 million a year. Your risk doubles if you have had more than 5 sunburns. Using a tanning bed before age 35 increases your chances of skin cancer by 35%. Nearly 50% of Americans 65+ will have skin cancer at least once. Anyone can get skin cancer regardless of skin tone…

Eight Ways to Age Well

My philosophy is that there’s no such thing as anti-aging. As long as you have birthdays, you will age. I use what I believe is the best skincare available infused with Royal Jelly, but I do not expect my skin at 70 to look like a 25 year-old. However, we can have beautiful, radiant, healthy head-to-toe skin and feel confident. SUN. This is the number one cause of aging…